Sunday, January 23, 2011

'Twas the Weekend before finals...

Finals start tomorrow and, as I have been struck with a massive case of senioritis, I find myself not really giving a damn. I probably will do a bit of studying, but only because I hate the feeling of looking at a question and literally having no idea what to do or where to start. Grades are just sort of a byproduct of that. I've realized that no matter what I do at this point, I really can't improve my grades significantly enough to get anything in the ways of scholarships and I'm already into the school I want to go to. So at this point, I just need to sort of maintain airspeed velocity and not crash. I'll be all good as long as I can manage that. This will be possibly be the most agonizingly dull and annoying several months of my life so far. Musical will be fun. One Act will be fun. School will make me want to kill something. It's a good thing that I have access to a whole closet full of swords.

Next semester will put me into the first gym class I've been in since 8th grade. That seems like a different life to me, so it's basically the first gym class ever. That'll be fun. I'm slightly more athletic than I was back in middle school, but I can only really attribute that to natural adolescence things and not really any amount of work on my part. And saying that I'm more athletic than I was in middle school is approximately equivalent to saying I'm a bit better now at speaking than I was at 2 months old. Not really impressive at all, and even a little sad. I might be able to actually do a pull up and run more than 20 feet without stopping now, but I won't be impressing anyone with my physical abilities during gym. And then there'll be the swim unit. I caution anyone in my class to bring sunglasses. My skin is almost radiant in its whiteness.
That's no moon... it's Derek's torso. 

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