Monday, January 3, 2011

It's 10 o' clock. Yep.

Not one of my finest titles, I'll admit. Oh well.
Break is over. It's back to school. In some ways, I welcome the return of my usual schedule. My break wasn't much of a break, for the most part, and so it really isn't that big of a change, business wise. I worked a lot, did lots of cleaning, attended family events. Not all the most fun things. The one thing I really hate about being back is homework. The break sapped all remaining will to get things done from me. I literally have no drive whatsoever to get things done. It's awful. I feel terrible about it, but I really don't care anymore. It's a weird, contradictory feeling. I might explode from it. In which case, I apologize for the mess I will make wherever I decide to finally burst. It'll probably be quite disgusting.
I still have to finish my Nano. But now that rehearsals and school are back up and running, there's a rather slim chance for that happening soon. But that's ok. Eventually it'll get done. The main thing is that the 50,000 words got done and I know how I write better than I did before. Next year's Nano, if I have time for it, will be drastically improved as a result. Maybe I'll go for a more realistic setting next year. That could be fun. Then I can rely soley on characters for the story's quirks rather than just the odd world which it takes place in. Maybe it'll be a realistic-ish novel. I can't really do totally normal things. I can't make them all that exciting. Some people are good at taking a thoroughly average place and turning it into something magical. I, saddly, don't expect to find this talent. Still, one must at least try to do these things. Even if they seem doomed to failure.
That was an unexpected tangent. Back to business.
It's surprising how much you can miss someone after only a short time. Astonishing, actually. One of the main reasons why I wasn't too crushed about break being over was the fact that I can see friends on a regular basis again. Well, most of them. Some of them have yet to actually return from break, and others simply aren't in my classes and I don't see them. But it is better, having regular social interactions. I was getting a bit stir crazy sitting by myself at home. Or working in a rather soul-crushing minimum wage job. Neither of those was particularly great for my mental state. When a lot of mind numbing drudgery confronts me, I usually just put my mind somewhere else. And that somewhere else usually involves far too much thinking for my own good. It usually leads to angst. No fun. I have far too many unfortunate jokes and quirky phrases stored up in my head. It's a good thing my usual outlet, the lunch table, has returned to me.
I missed you.
Until my next uneventful night, farewell, readers.

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