Monday, January 31, 2011

Bracing for the Snowpocolypse

Evidently we are supposed to get a massive amount of snow this week. That's quite exciting. It's been awhile since I've gotten really worked up about a huge storm, probably in the summer sometime. And this huge storm has the added bonus of getting us off of school for a day or two, which will be awesome. I'll probably spend the day watching Dr. Who and Across the Universe. It'll be awesome. Guilt-free sitting around the house with a fire going? Yes.
The new semester started today and, I must say, I am a big fan of my classes. Lit and Euro are both especially good. The one problem I do have is that I need to take gym to graduate and it's not on my schedule. And I want to stay in newspaper. Hrmm. I'm thinking that I'll drop AP stats. I might be able to pull off a decent grade in it, but it's adding more stress than necessary to my life. Newspaper is a good amount of time to dedicate to a class, but at least it's with things I'm good at, namely writing and taking pictures. I have the math credit I need, and I don't really feel like doing more than that. And I'll at least have a good foundation for taking it in college. Solid.
I'll probably have a really awesome post on Wednesday. Until then, farewell, dear readers.

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