Thursday, January 6, 2011

I want to... write something

I loved NaNoWriMo. It was possibly one of the most fulfilling months of my life. Goes to show that I really don't have that many things going on in my life, I suppose. But regardless, I really wan't to write something exciting and new. At this moment, the countdown clock on the website tells me that there are 298 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes, and 7 seconds left until NaNo 2011 begins. That's way too long to wait.
Trouble is, I can't think of anything to get me started. All kinds of little ideas, but nothing big. I suppose that's where most novels have to come from, little ideas. But I haven't had time to develop any of them. So my mind is turning into some kind of dusty old attic filled with discarded random things, projects barely started, fantastical creatures and quirky characters waiting to be fully realized. It's be awesome to use some of them. Finding time... there's the issue. It's never easy to find the time to do things like this. Especially since I have a lot of difficulty just sitting down and getting to work at any random moment. There are times when I know I can put brilliant stuff down onto the paper* and there are times when I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that anything I put down will be rubbish**. This is, unfortunately, most of the time. The times I do feel like writing, I am often busy. It's really unfortunate. But I want to get something fairly significant done before the end of school. Brainstorming now, and the real writing probably after APs and musical and one act are done with and I have a life once more. It'll be fun. And crazy. I'm a crazy person. Sane people are boring, I think.
Now, what should this be about, I wonder? That'll be an answer for next time, dear reader.

*Or a screen, most of the time. I've decided to replace parenthetical asides with footnotes. Makes me feel all official and such.
**I just said 'rubbish'. I've been watching far too much Dr. Who.

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