Thursday, April 28, 2011

School? Oh yeah. That.

As I sit here reading every entertaining Cracked list I can find with my as of yet unfinished homework sitting a few feet away from me, I come to the realization that the last few weeks of this school year is going to be a battle of attrition that I may very well lose. Soon, AP tests will be over. Which will be a plus. But really, it will likely just remove the little pressure which keeps me mentally engaged. At least there will still be Euro and Lit, which I usually enjoy and can probably focus on despite the lack of tests. But everything else will probably receive very little attention. For instance, Spanish. You're a wonderful language in your own way, I suppose, but I'm really done with all the busy work. I know it's pretty much the only way schools teach languages... but that doesn't make it any less crazily irritating.

 Somehow I've actually managed to stay afloat during the last few months and really haven't seen significant grade drops. It is quite baffling to me, but I'll take it. I've kept up enough just enough to keep things going, and it's very sad. Except for Euro, because I'm actually interested in those things. But even Euro is hard to just sit down and do. It's pretty frustrating, actually. But only a little ways to go, and then I can hopefully regain all the motivation I used to have. I think I've been in high school a little too long now; it's time for a change.

In other news, prom is coming up. So that's.... exciting. I have work in the afternoon, so I may not make it to pictures. I wouldn't really care, except for other people probably want me there. Not that anyone will look at these pictures 5 years down the line and really care that I was missing. Possible, I suppose, but improbable. And plus, there will be other pictures that night that don't involve standing around for 10 minutes in every possible formation while a million parents take pictures. This is what the internet is for, people. Have one person take pictures. Everyone else can get them, I promise.

You can tell I'm not hugely excited. That's my general feeling towards a lot of things recently, that of total ambivalence. Which I guess might be considered a bad thing. But at least I'm not panicking, right?
End of rant. Euro Thursday post may or may not happen, depending on a number of factors.

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