Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Break?

So, apparently we have this week off of school. And yet, I've spent even less time at home than usual and probably an equal amount of time in the school building anyways. Funny how life works like that, I suppose. But now, I find the time to write some bloggage which has been sadly lacking the last two weeks or so. What to write about, I wonder?

Well, I put out a fire with my bare hands.* A small fire, but I think it fulfilled my bad ass quota for the month. I spent a good deal of time working on publicity for the musical (which you should totally come see if you aren't one of my Denmarkian, Japanese, or Norwegian readers that apparently have visited the site) which involved a lot of page designing and calling people. I can't say I'm much of a pro at either of these activities, so there was a bit of a learning curve involved. But in the end, things worked out and I finished that thing. So now there's just the set to work on, which will happen at some point during the week.

There's been a lot of these sort of things going on, along with some League of Legends-ing and what not. Samantha is off in France doing whatever it is one does in France, which is sad but totally awesome. I'm sure she'll bring back a multitude of tales to tell and there will be good times for all. My goal for the rest of the break, however, is to actually get some relaxing in for once. And finish that AP Euro calender thing.

Speaking of AP Euro, we're writing satires after the AP test is over. Is Derek excited? Yes. Yes he is.

*Or bear hands. I'm actually part bear, as you can tell from my muscular physique.

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