Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, musical is over. What does this mean?

First of all, it means that I'm feeling that post-large-event moroseness that always plagues me after things like this.  There is a big musical-sized hole in my head right now that I don't really know what to fill with. Thankfully, my obsession with doing random stuff all the time has already provided a solution to this problem. Because musical being over also means that I now have to do all those little projects that I thought up during musical season but never actually got to doing because of all the craziness.

First off, this blog. It has been rather neglected over the last month or so, and I want to fix that. It's nice to have a writing that can use my own voice and not have the only things I write be about literature analysis and European history. Although I write about European history a lot here anyways. I think the big difference is that I'm allowed to use profanities here, which just makes everything so much more amusing. So there's that.

Also: Webcomic. Probably just posted on here, but it seems like it would be a fun thing to try. Even if it's just a weekly or randomly updated thing that never takes off, it'd be a fun way to present my... interesting sense of humor through a different medium. And then I'd have a bigger use for this here tablet. I think I already mentioned this a while back, but now it's actually a possibility. Should be really exciting, provided I actually do it.

Next, some Euro review to be posted here for the benefit of all my fellow classmates. I want to do a few timelines of eras and important events if I can. It'd help me to do the work to put it together, and it'd be useful in future studies as well. So why not?

Editing my NaNo is probably not happening now. I'm proud of the achievement, but it's not really worth refining all that much. If I were to pick it up again, I'd probably just rewrite it using a more cohesive plot and better characters. The frame itself needs a complete overhaul, not just the little decorative bits. So that's my plan for the next chunk of my life. Wish me luck, dear Readers. I'm gonna need it.

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