Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cause I'm not sleeping yet, damn it.

So over the last week of break here, I have a rather daunting task ahead of me. I need to get rolling on my genetics final project. My topic is "Genetics in Pop Culture", essentially talking about how the portrayal of genetics in movies and such effects how people view issues such as cloning, stem cells, genetic engineering, etc. I plan on doing my presentation in the style of Extra Credits which, if you are unfamiliar with the webseries, takes concepts in video games and talks about their greater implications and ways which games can be an artistic medium and such things. Really, really good stuff they do there. I'm a fan. Anyways, that's the idea. It should be interesting, and I plan on getting a good amount of input from people I know in this endeavor.
Time to stop thinking about school. I want to put that off for as long as possible. For now, it's time to revel in the light reflecting off of my shiny new toys. The biggest one is a camera, a vast leap from the old piece of... well, even shit doesn't deserve that comparison. My new one is a Fujifilm Finepix HS10 and, despite only having two descriptors following the brand name, is quite good. Living proof that you don't need 10 thousand things tacked on to the end of every piece of electronic equipment (I'm talking to you, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H55 14.1 MP Digital Camera). It takes pretty pictures, and it looks pretty. Who doesn't like pretty things? Nobody. Except fantasy villains. They just like spiky things (I'm talking to you, Sauron.)

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