Monday, February 21, 2011

Mormon dances and radio plays

On Saturday, I went to a Mormon dance with a group of people, including Samantha. It was quite an experience. I realize that when saying that, it sort of sounds negative. But I don't mean it in a negative way. I mean ii in a very positive way, actually. It was a really fun time. Not at all the weirdness you may imagine going down. There was nothing in the way of grinding, which was awesome. They had a varied music selection, which was also awesome. It was a lot of fun.
The biggest difference is the expectation to dance with a different partner every time a slow song comes on. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it might be going in. People don't make a big deal out of it, since they do it all the time. I got to meet a variety of rather interesting girls, especially one who did this weird bounce thing the entire song. She certainly had character. And, apparently, 7 guitars. A pretty awesome collection, though questionable in its usefulness. That's kind of the point of a collection though, I believe. Another one was currently in the cast of her highschool's production of Hairspray*, and another looked extremely familiar but I couldn't tell where from. Anyways, from the guy's perspective it wasn't that bad, provided that you could work up the confidence to get over the initial culture difference. For guys who were used to it, I would think it would just be kind of fun. I do wonder what it would be like for the girls though, since they're expected to wait to be asked. Although one girl did grab me randomly for the last dance of the night.** I felt that similar selfconsciousness thing last year for the Sadie Hawkins dance, and I could imagine it not being pleasant to feel every time a slow song came on. I wonder if Mormons ever do a Sadie Hawkins thing for every song? If not, they should. That could be interesting.
I could talk about the spring charity dance here, but I won't. I'll save that for later. There are radio plays to discuss.
Samantha and I plan on writing a radio play about awesome stuff that'll be awesome. It should be fun. And challenging. It'll be an entirely different experience than novel writing. My dream is for it to appear on NPR. My life will be complete if it goes on This American Life.
Keep on dancing, dear Readers.

*Don't worry, I broke out singing "Welcome to the 60's". You may continue your lives un-panicked.
**I like to believe it was because of my immense levels of attractiveness.


  1. They usually have several ladies choice songs each dance. However, we complain immensely then because we feel awkward having to pick. Double edged sword I suppose.

  2. None at the one we went to, I suppose. I feel like they should have. It would have been neat, I think. A bit of role reversal every now and then can be nice.

  3. Ahhhhhh!!!! RADIO PLAY WOOHOOO THAT IS ALL!!!!!!
